Alamat Redaksi Majalah GRAZIA INDONESIA
Jln. H.R Rasuna Said Kav. B32-33
Jakarta 12910
T: +62 21 5253816 ext. 4340
F: +62 21 5262131
Berlangganan GRAZIA :
Hubungi Divisi Pelayanan Pelanggan Femina Group
di [021] 4682 5555
Alamat Kantor | Alamat Redaksi | Majalah GRAZIA |
GRAZIA INDONESIA is an easy chic monthly glossy fashion, beauty, and lifestyle magazine. Made in Italy in 1938, Grazia has a wonderful heritage and authority. There are now 16 editions of Grazia worldwide Italy, UK, China, Australia, Holland, India, the United Arab Emirates, Serbia, Croatia, Bulgaria, France, Indonesia, Thailand, Germany, Russia & Bahrain.